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Houndshow Open 2024 Critique

My thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge Deerhounds at this particularly well run show - what a team!

I was extremely pleased with the quality entry and thank the exhibitors for presenting their lovely hounds for me to go over. As should be the case temperaments were superb.

Thanks also to Anthony my very capable steward and to those who provided a lovely lunch following judging.

Puppy Dog (1,1)

Yearling Dog (1, 0)

  1. Sandells’ Packway Blue Moon. Fourteen month old male with an appealing head and dark eye. Ears could be smaller. Nice topline and fallaway. Good bone, nicely angulated pasterns and good feet. Nice length from hip to hock. A little loose in front movement today which should improve as he matures and settles. Good harsh coat. Lots to like about this youngster.

Post Graduate Dog (1, 0)

  1. Peach’s Kilbourne Daniyal.

A masculine, strong young male of twenty months with a lovely head, dark eye and neat ears. Strong neck into a good shoulder. Good bone and tight feet. Spring of rib pleasing and good depth to brisket. Slightly unsure in hind movement today which may have had something to do with the floor. Dark harsh coat and a lovely overall outline.

Open Dog (2, 1)

  1. Wilce-Quinton’s Kirjojax Harris.

A four year old handsome male with masculine head, dark eye and neat ears. Strong neck. Well boned with tight feet. Good depth of brisket. Strong loin and well muscled throughout. Low hocks. Pleasing topline when stood but tended to flatten on the move today, would have benefited from a larger ring. Good harsh coat and well presented. RBOB.

Puppy Bitch (2, 0)

  1. Peach’s Kilbourne Danny’s Annie.

A really lovely feminine puppy of eight months. Very curvy with a pretty head and dark eye. Balanced all through. Super front standing on good feet. Good depth of brisket for age and nice tuck-up. Good sweep to stifle finishing on lovely low hocks. Moved soundly with confidence. BP.

  1. Bailey’s Greyflax Minnie the Moocher.

Another lovely puppy of eight months but of heavier build than 1. Attractive head with dark eye. Pleasing outline and another who is balanced and sound on the move. Just preferred the overall picture of 1.

Yearling Bitch (0, 0)

Post Graduate Bitch (2, 0)

  1. Peach’s Kilbourne Devon. Twenty month old feminine balanced bitch with pleasing outline. Lovely head and dark eye. Strong neck into good shoulder and front. Nice spring of rib with adequate depth of brisket for age. Good harsh coat and in good muscular condition.

  2. Lewis’ Luckhurst Whitefeatherfal. A rangier bitch with an attractive head and dark eye. Straight front but narrower than 1. May need longer to ‘finish’ as is the case with some. Good feet and overall outline. Moved soundly.

Open Bitch (1, 0)

  1. Peach’s Kilbourne Flora Mcdeva. A well made three year old bitch of substance. Strong neck leading into a good shoulder and front. Good feet. Lovely depth of brisket and spring of rib. Nice topline with good fallaway and nicely angulated hindquarters with low hocks. Strong loin and well muscled throughout. She moved effortlessly maintaining her topline constantly and was a pleasure to watch on the move. BOB.

Angela Aston (Balgaled).